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The curse of the DMV

Well, I did it again !.....I have taken something relatively simple and turned it into a giant pain in the ass. Rewind to last summer of 2005 when my car was stolen. I was pissed off, not only because this forced me to walk *gasp*, but I was "convinced" by my insurance agent to drop the theft only a few months before. I decided I'd make the best of a bad situation and used it as an excuse to take up walking. I put off buying something new until I figured out what I wanted and was secure that I had enough extra money to pay for it. We had a relatively warm winter and I didn't have too many places to go. Living near the city, public transportation is readily available so it wasn't a big deal. Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I decided it was time to buy a new car. Excitement quickly turned to disappointment when I realized that......I DIDN'T RENEW MY DRIVER LICENSE !!!.....ughhhhhh. Yea, yea, I know they give you some extra time to do this, but of course I figured I'd eventually get to it, but when I had no car it completely slipped my mind. So after a painstaking wait on the phone with DMV, I was told that I had to take ALL tests over again !.....Why me???.....So I will be off to the DMV to get my permit and then to make my road test appointment, but not before I have to take a 5 hour course with a bunch of pimply faced 16 year olds.
Well, I should be back from the DMV in a few days or weeks, and I'll post about my adventures. There are sure to be a few......dozen !
Have a good one !

The DMV is a very scary place. Please be careful. There are lots of traps and pitfalls and the natives there are a mysterious bunch. Be careful!

NOOOO not the DMV!! You are brave very brave. A tip for you. If you have to do the driving test make sure you do not call the state patrol officer sir when it is actually a woman. She does not care to much for that. She will glare at you the whole time driving and then proceed to tell you the car is to much for you drive. That is what I have heard not that I would of done that. LMAO!!
Good luck to ya Spy!!

So if you don't renew your license you have to take your test again!! Yikes I'm glad that doesn't happen over here (yet, lol). Does the license last for 10 years??
You could have a master criminal make a forged one for you and have him stick that gansta pic of you on it and then that way each time you get pulled over by the police they will take one look at it and wave you on through before they get a cap in their asses from a hard ass mama :D

Bahahahahhaha sorry girl, I wasn't laughing at you, I was laughing WITH you..ummmm stop staring at me like that!

Ummm someone help????

Anyways, good luck? Your hair looks lovely today!! Have I told you lately that I love you?

Ohhhh look, there goes a 27 year old man with dark hair and light eyes with a great smile, in tight jeans!!!

*Running* =P

Oh there goes Cinders chasing the old Wal-Mart guy again!! Should we tell her that there is a long unravelling roll of toilet paper hanging out of her ummmmmmmm 'trunk'???

wow they are making you take all the tests? WTF?? how long was it til you renewed? I hate the DMV, I went to renew my license this past June and waited 2 freaking hours to read a damn eye chart! I feel your pain

~gkw ~~Thanks for stopping by for a visit and thanks for the concern and warning...I actually made it out alive....the key to the DMV is that you have to speak their language although since I'm not quite sure what they were speaking I just nodded my head alot....I have NO clue what I might have agreed to though !

Beady ~ LMAO...oh please tell me you didn't call your woman driver instructor, "sir"

Gareth ~ If you dont' renew according to their renewal schedule then you have to take EVERYTHING over again. I have so much more to worry about like fixing my hair, and putting on my makeup, making sure my shoes are on the right feet and my bra isn't on backwards.....who has time to keep up with renewing license's??????

Shannon ~ Lets not go don't want me to go to the vault and pull out some of the stories I know about YOUR driving adventures, do you??.....heheh.....muahhhhhh Love you too and you know I would never do that --unless provoked ;)
*puffin out chest and running after hot young guy with tight jeans*

Gareth ~ shhhhh dont tell her !

Phats ~ it was past the final renewal date...I had until my birthday of 2005 to renew and I didn't do now it will take about a month and a half until I finish going through all the different regulatory crap they want you to do here. It's all about money !

Wowwww That sucks! I better go check mine now - no way I would take the driving test again - ohh no :( best of luck to you

ugh- that's really shitty!
you had me hurriedly hauling out my license to make sure it hasn't also expired, whew- luckily not... WAIT... it is 2006 right?

Ahh, I would love to have a camera there to film this, not only will you be with pimply faced kids, also notn English speakers as well with fake socials getting their license.

Good Luck lmao

Tina and Angel ~ I'm glad I could be a reminder to everyone. If I can save just one person from being victimized by the DMV system, then its well worth my waiting and taking the tests again...
Psssssst either one of you want to take it for me??

Diva ~ I'm just anticipating one of the young boys saying, "hey,who's the old broad?"
Now stop laughing at me or I'll take you with me

Coooooookie ! ~ I'm sorry, its just that every time I see your name and that pic it makes me want to yell....coooooookie !!
A long time ago when corruption ran rampant here in NY, you'd be able to go to some back alley and buy a license for anything. Its sort of scary when you think about it, so I have no choice to be a good little citizen and go by the book(even though it pisses me off that it's not necessarily for anyone's safety, but for everyone to make a little money) *growling along with you*

Thank you Spygal! we would have never won without your support, you rock!

Just stare the DMV people down. Say you are from the wrong side of the tracks and if you don't get your license without having to go through the lessons and tests that you will call in your homies. Then give them the option of facing a firing squad or water pistols at dawn. That should scare them into seeing things more clearly.
If that doesn't work say that you are a single mum with 8 kids who are all incredibly gifted with various sports activities and that you need a car to drive them all around to their various sports halls and fields and that if they refuse to give you the license you will have no option but to set the kids onto them. Just don't mention that they are 'special' kids because that will give the wrong impression :P
There, see, I'm giving you options and if those don't work just try the convential method of standing in line whilst a bright light beams in your face and some stupid kid stands behind you and gives you bunny rabbit ears for your license picture :)

Phats ~ You're welcome !! I do what I can when I can !

Coooooookie ~ Don't worry about the crumbs, its not like I vacuum much in here anyway and it helps Gareth find his way home

Gareth ~~ Geeeeeez man, did you take a breath while you were typing that??....inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale......inhale...*whistling* la la la la la la
la la la la lala....hmmm, what was I gonna say next??.....oh well, I can't seem to will come to me later !!

Ohhhhh now I remember, I'm so dense sometimes, it's like a get another thought in my head and I get easily distracted, I don't know why I do this. I really should try to concentrate more often....I was gonna say.....

Oh damn, I forgot again ! ugh

Ok I remember what I was gonna say to tell ya, just when I sign off the blog it comes to me and I have to take time to sign back in, but this time I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget......

Now, If only I could find the paper !

I found the paper !!....
no, its my grocery list...*sigh*

Phat's says I need to read your blog because you watch your neighbors have sex. Let me know when the next session is.


Jef ~ I think Phats neglected to tell you that the neighbors were well over 80 years old. And I swear I didn't watch them on purpose, it was a complete and total accident, really !...I'm still trying to recover from the shock of it all. My poor eyes !!! However they moved away so I have no one else to "accidentally watch"....the new neighbors close their shades.

OMG HAHA I can't believe one of my readers came over here that's hilarious haha

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