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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The DMV is no place for me....

As you've probably guessed, I made it back from the DMV in one piece. It's unbelievable how ignorant they are down there. One has no clue what the other is doing, they tell you to stand on a line you have no business being on, but only find this out after standing on the line for 45 minutes, and then they look at you like you have 10 heads when you explain to them that one of their co-workers told you to stand there. They insist I must have misunderstood and that's entirely possible considering hardly anyone there spoke the English language ! I'm all for the American melting pot, etc, but I refuse to have to hire a translator everytime I walk into a State or City agency. I did pass my permit test ( I only got one question wrong, ummmm...doesn't everyone SPEED UP at yellow lights???)...Then as I was standing online I had some man in front of me who decides he'd like to strike up a conversation. Not a good time. He starts telling me all about his life, what he does for a living and the reason for him being there. Seems he had his license suspended numerous times for reckless driving and some D.U.I's which he explained away by saying he wasn't "too drunk". I wanted to tell him that ONE drink is considered too drunk sometimes, but I chose to keep my mouth shut because I realized that his reckless driving record probably stemmed from numerous episodes of road rage. This guy seemed like a potential loose cannon. Then he starts telling me how long time drivers usually fail the first time while retesting because after a certain amount of time driving, we all develop our own style of driving, which is not necessarily the correct way according the the road manual. I suppose he had a point there. I doubt the driving instructor will appreciate me opening a window and hanging one arm out while I fiddle with the radio, using one elbow to steer. I will take one driving course just to freshen up on the rules of the road. It was a long assed, frustrating day and needless to say by the time I had to have my picture taken I had a look on my face that could only be described as a rabid animal in heat *sigh*. I'll be sure to let you know how the road test goes. Speaking of rabid animals.....I was accosted by a crazy squirrel this morning. I'm not particularly a nature person and I'm not a big fan of wild animals ( yes, I consider a squirrel a wild animal, I'm from NYC...geez). The little bugger jumped out of a tree onto a fence where I was standing. After regaining my composure ( and checking to see if I wet myself), I start screaming at this thing. He looked at me like I had 10 heads. Hmmmmm... he must work at the DMV too !!
Oh well, I'm out of here for now...
Have a good one and stay safe !!

Friday, September 22, 2006

The curse of the DMV

Well, I did it again !.....I have taken something relatively simple and turned it into a giant pain in the ass. Rewind to last summer of 2005 when my car was stolen. I was pissed off, not only because this forced me to walk *gasp*, but I was "convinced" by my insurance agent to drop the theft only a few months before. I decided I'd make the best of a bad situation and used it as an excuse to take up walking. I put off buying something new until I figured out what I wanted and was secure that I had enough extra money to pay for it. We had a relatively warm winter and I didn't have too many places to go. Living near the city, public transportation is readily available so it wasn't a big deal. Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I decided it was time to buy a new car. Excitement quickly turned to disappointment when I realized that......I DIDN'T RENEW MY DRIVER LICENSE !!!.....ughhhhhh. Yea, yea, I know they give you some extra time to do this, but of course I figured I'd eventually get to it, but when I had no car it completely slipped my mind. So after a painstaking wait on the phone with DMV, I was told that I had to take ALL tests over again !.....Why me???.....So I will be off to the DMV to get my permit and then to make my road test appointment, but not before I have to take a 5 hour course with a bunch of pimply faced 16 year olds.
Well, I should be back from the DMV in a few days or weeks, and I'll post about my adventures. There are sure to be a few......dozen !
Have a good one !

Monday, September 18, 2006

I'm back and better (or not) than before....

Welcome to my new blog...where the beer is always warm and the sandwiches are stale. Help yourself !

First off I would like to say hello to all my blogger buddies, thanks for hanging in there while I took my sweet time getting a new blog. You guys are the best. I will try to get around to each of you in the next couple of days and leave a drive-by message. That's either a promise or a threat, depending upon how you feel about me.

Allow me to explain my absence to you and perhaps you will understand....
It seems my old blog was turning on me, it wouldn't allow me in at times and when it did, it wouldn't allow me to leave. I was confused and hurt, why would my own blog turn against me..there had to be a legitimate reason for this. All the moments we shared, the secrets untold, I felt the trust was gone. There had to be a legitimate reason, so I set out to find it. It took alot of time and patience to realize what was really going on with my blog. After countless hours of investigations and interviews, I finally had a lead !! I was told that apparently it was taken hostage by a group of Guerilla Blog People....I searched the mountains for these people to ask for my blog back....I was in no mood to mess was MY blog and I wanted it back....
I know how dangerous these Guerillas can be...I've heard all about Guerilla Warfare....they are ruthless when it comes to their cause...I had no clue what particular cause my blog was involved in, but I didn't care. I was locked and loaded and ready to do battle......
I trecked uphill for days....thirsty, tired and dirty....finally when I reached the top of the mountain I saw a cave.....that is where the Guerilla's must have been hiding out...I was prepared for a fight.....I took a deep breath, slowly approached the was dark when I entered, my blood was boiling and my adreneline was pumping.....I heard a noise further into the cave....I knew then that that is where I'd find the Guerilla's.......I approached with extreme caution, and I saw this.................

Magilla Gorilla ?!?!?!?!


And his posse.........

Ummmm....I was pretty sure I could take the little girl who, rumor has it, is the ring leader, but I couldn't take them all by myself...I had no choice but to leave my blog behind and start anew.
So there you have it people, the reason for my departure and return.

BTW ~ I have this new link to my blog so anyone who has me linked to my old one might need to change it. The last I checked my old blog linked to some "dead blog" profile and it had a wedding cake on it....SCARED THE CRAP OUTTA ME !!