The DMV is no place for me....

As you've probably guessed, I made it back from the DMV in one piece. It's unbelievable how ignorant they are down there. One has no clue what the other is doing, they tell you to stand on a line you have no business being on, but only find this out after standing on the line for 45 minutes, and then they look at you like you have 10 heads when you explain to them that one of their co-workers told you to stand there. They insist I must have misunderstood and that's entirely possible considering hardly anyone there spoke the English language ! I'm all for the American melting pot, etc, but I refuse to have to hire a translator everytime I walk into a State or City agency. I did pass my permit test ( I only got one question wrong, ummmm...doesn't everyone SPEED UP at yellow lights???)...Then as I was standing online I had some man in front of me who decides he'd like to strike up a conversation. Not a good time. He starts telling me all about his life, what he does for a living and the reason for him being there. Seems he had his license suspended numerous times for reckless driving and some D.U.I's which he explained away by saying he wasn't "too drunk". I wanted to tell him that ONE drink is considered too drunk sometimes, but I chose to keep my mouth shut because I realized that his reckless driving record probably stemmed from numerous episodes of road rage. This guy seemed like a potential loose cannon. Then he starts telling me how long time drivers usually fail the first time while retesting because after a certain amount of time driving, we all develop our own style of driving, which is not necessarily the correct way according the the road manual. I suppose he had a point there. I doubt the driving instructor will appreciate me opening a window and hanging one arm out while I fiddle with the radio, using one elbow to steer. I will take one driving course just to freshen up on the rules of the road. It was a long assed, frustrating day and needless to say by the time I had to have my picture taken I had a look on my face that could only be described as a rabid animal in heat *sigh*. I'll be sure to let you know how the road test goes. Speaking of rabid animals.....I was accosted by a crazy squirrel this morning. I'm not particularly a nature person and I'm not a big fan of wild animals ( yes, I consider a squirrel a wild animal, I'm from NYC...geez). The little bugger jumped out of a tree onto a fence where I was standing. After regaining my composure ( and checking to see if I wet myself), I start screaming at this thing. He looked at me like I had 10 heads. Hmmmmm... he must work at the DMV too !!
Oh well, I'm out of here for now...
Have a good one and stay safe !!
I hate having to renew crap at the DMV, because I don't have time to spend 3 hrs in a place run by idiots. I usually go to a podunk DMV and it never takes more then 20 mins, but the last time I went to renew it took 2 hrs, because they had no clue what they were doing with the guy in front of me.
I laughed at the squirrel that's so funny!! Glad you didn't wet yourself
Posted by
Phats |
3:04 PM
hey, at least the squirrel didn't try to crawl in the car with you... oh yeah, you don't have one right now..
Squirrels in a car are NOT fun. They really "freak out"... as a matter of fact, chipmunks brought into the house by your cat are not really that great either. They REALLY freak out!
hmmm so do the lizards... at least the cats kill the snakes before bringing them home...
Posted by
Unknown |
5:44 PM
Phats ~ you should have done some tumbles while you waited, it would have killed time AND they might have thought you were a bit nuts and let you to the front of the time I go to a State or City agency I'm going to start talking to myself and get mad when I don't answer me
Cooooookie ~ If I remember correctly, the squirrel DID have a slight accent !....I think we may be onto something here, maybe it wasn't a squirrel afterall.....maybe it was a dingo !!
~gkw ~~ Good Lord, where the heck do you live? Just the mention of that many animals make my skin crawl....Lizards and chipmunks and snakes....OH MY !!
Posted by
SuperSpyGal |
7:51 PM
How could they ever be ignorant to you? You are too cute!!
Glad you got through it girl.
I will be back to comment more later, I just wanted to show you some love... xoxoxoxo
Posted by
Cinderella |
9:22 PM
They were probably annoyed because you stood on their line ....... of 'coke' - have you seen the price of that stuff recently?!
You thought they were speaking in foreign languages .... I actually think that they were just tripping over their words because they had just witnessed you kicking $4000 of hard drugs all over the floor. They were actually saying "Look at what that dumb blonde just did, that's the third time this week!!".
And I dont think that it is and coincidence that a reckless driver was there at the same time because it was probably the use of drugs whilst driving that landed him in the DMV building to begin with!!! :D
Oh yes NOW you look at things in a whole new light!
Posted by
Unknown |
2:59 PM
Congrats on passing, knew you had it in you kid!
Posted by
Phats |
5:53 PM
Did Phats say congrats on pissing? No no, she didn't get scared by the squirrel and wet herself! (well, I do have my doubts...)
Don't guess you are coming to VA considering we have a lot more wild stuff than the occasional crazy squirrel. ;)
Posted by
Tina |
12:08 AM
Tina, that is no way to talk about your brother ("crazy squirrel"). That could be is Red Indian name - Chief Crazy Squirrel :D
Posted by
Unknown |
6:59 AM
Morning Spy :)
Posted by
Unknown |
7:00 AM
fun times at the them DMV! Next time pretend to rummage thru your purse like you are looking for a weapon and yell out loud HOW MUCH MORE IS THIS GOING TO TAKE I GOT BUSINESS TO TAKE CARE OF!! Maybe they will let ya move up the line and the workers won't give you a hard time it's the wrong line.
Watch your back squirells they have friends!!
Posted by
Linda |
12:17 PM
Have you got stuck in the DMV building?? :D
Posted by
Unknown |
2:26 PM
*Sprays lysol* haha
Posted by
Cinderella |
5:00 PM
ha ha ha
Posted by
Cinderella |
5:01 PM
ha ha ha ha!
Posted by
Cinderella |
5:01 PM
ha ha ha ha ha!
Posted by
Cinderella |
5:01 PM
Morning Spy. Is it just me or is Cinders becoming stranger and stranger every day?? ;)
Posted by
Unknown |
7:10 AM
Hey I hope that squirrel didn't take you home to meet his parents!! But everything will be ok so long as they have internet access in 72 Squirrel Lane, The Hole, Bushville County, Fluffy State :D
Posted by
Unknown |
7:40 PM
OK, Spy has a blog now but doesn't post?? WTF?
Posted by
Unknown |
4:42 PM
Hi Spy! :)
Posted by
Phats |
10:29 PM
now i'm really beginning to think that all employees who work at the dmv (licensing department in south africa) are trained in the same place- ours also send you on a wild goose chase from queue to queue and can't speak english!
Posted by
AngelConradie |
2:33 PM
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