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I'm back and better (or not) than before....

Welcome to my new blog...where the beer is always warm and the sandwiches are stale. Help yourself !

First off I would like to say hello to all my blogger buddies, thanks for hanging in there while I took my sweet time getting a new blog. You guys are the best. I will try to get around to each of you in the next couple of days and leave a drive-by message. That's either a promise or a threat, depending upon how you feel about me.

Allow me to explain my absence to you and perhaps you will understand....
It seems my old blog was turning on me, it wouldn't allow me in at times and when it did, it wouldn't allow me to leave. I was confused and hurt, why would my own blog turn against me..there had to be a legitimate reason for this. All the moments we shared, the secrets untold, I felt the trust was gone. There had to be a legitimate reason, so I set out to find it. It took alot of time and patience to realize what was really going on with my blog. After countless hours of investigations and interviews, I finally had a lead !! I was told that apparently it was taken hostage by a group of Guerilla Blog People....I searched the mountains for these people to ask for my blog back....I was in no mood to mess was MY blog and I wanted it back....
I know how dangerous these Guerillas can be...I've heard all about Guerilla Warfare....they are ruthless when it comes to their cause...I had no clue what particular cause my blog was involved in, but I didn't care. I was locked and loaded and ready to do battle......
I trecked uphill for days....thirsty, tired and dirty....finally when I reached the top of the mountain I saw a cave.....that is where the Guerilla's must have been hiding out...I was prepared for a fight.....I took a deep breath, slowly approached the was dark when I entered, my blood was boiling and my adreneline was pumping.....I heard a noise further into the cave....I knew then that that is where I'd find the Guerilla's.......I approached with extreme caution, and I saw this.................

Magilla Gorilla ?!?!?!?!


And his posse.........

Ummmm....I was pretty sure I could take the little girl who, rumor has it, is the ring leader, but I couldn't take them all by myself...I had no choice but to leave my blog behind and start anew.
So there you have it people, the reason for my departure and return.

BTW ~ I have this new link to my blog so anyone who has me linked to my old one might need to change it. The last I checked my old blog linked to some "dead blog" profile and it had a wedding cake on it....SCARED THE CRAP OUTTA ME !!

Finallyyyyyyyy!! Geeze what took you so long?? Don't give me that!!

Anyways, we have so much to catch up how long do you have??

Ok, it all started when I saw this bright light and this man with a mask, someone smacked me on my azz and I started crying, wait...wait... wait.....


Geeze....some people!!

Welcome back Spy! =)

Ok, it all started when I saw this bright light and this man with a mask, someone smacked me on my azz

Must we hear about the old man story AGAIN...geez, you big bragger !!

hehehe....Thanks for the welcome back..;)

OMG this is freekin awesome!!!!! Wooohoooooo you are back. Welcome back chicka.
It's too hot to sleep at the moment so I got up for a little bit and read your comment on my blog a few mins ago and and and and and andddddddddd well you already know how I got here :P
I'll be back here tomorrow to comment on this post properly. I think I'll try to get back to sleep now so keep your fingers crossed for me, hehehe.
Hiya Cinders lol.

Night night Spy :)

Umm actually you need to fix your time on this ;) Geesh some things don't change :P

That is unless you moved to the west coast.
Ok ok ok I'm going so stop hitting me!! :D

Nice new middle pic.
Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk stop screaming at me!!!!

*crawling off to bed*

lmfaoooooo spy!!!! Some stories are good the second time around, ok maybe not this one =P

Hiya Gareth, go to bed!! lol Sweet dreams!!

Spy? You moved? Huh? Why didn't you tell me?? Wahhhhhhhh!

WOOHOO!! Spy is back finally! GLad you're back and glad you found the reason behind it, silly gorilla! I will relink ya. Good to have ya back

Are your Senior Citizen Neighbors still getting it on?

Gareth ~ You'll never sleep properly if you keep drinking all those caffeine get some warm milk and go nite nite..
Thanks for the welcome back !

Shan ~ I have no idea where I'll be at any given moment..look outside your window...booooo !!

Phats ~ Please re-link was sooooooo good the first time around!!..the old couple moved and now there is a young couple living there...I tried to watch them have sex, but for some reason they got offended...go figure ! *shrug*

haha man the blog world has missed you!

hmm i wonder if they'd let me watch?

Hmmmmmmmmm ........ "I trecked uphill for days....thirsty, tired and dirty" - surely your bed can't be that high up off the floor!!! :D

If those guerillas come any where near you just give them some money and post their faces (or butts because thay would look the same either way) on the net, offer a year's supply of bananas to the person who captures them and pack a few important things and run for your life!

I'm re-linking you so if you have a problem with that I really don't care :P

p.s. when I said that you should pack a few important things above I meant for you to pack the kids NOT your designer shoes and expensive lip gloss. Geesh, women, they never get it right, well hardly ever at least :)

LOLOL I just noticed my linking name in your blog roll, hahahahahaha :D

Oh Hi Spy I was just takin a few extra stale sandwiches for my trip back to my blog. Glad to see ya back in blog land. Damn guerillas taking over your other blog. Send them over to me they don't want to mess with me and my hormones right now. As soon as I get done blabbing here I will get ya relinked.
Oh yeah got any milk?? I can't have any warm beer right now.

Phats ~ I asked the neighbors if you could watch and they said, "him again?"...whatever that means *shrug*

Gareth ~ Designer clothes or kids??...hmmmm....gimme some time to think on that.

Beads ~ I have some warm milk for ya, at least I think it's milk...I have no idea, I've been gone so long I haven't cleaned out the fridge yet...we'll let Gareth taste it first to make sure...hehehe

*lying on my death bed after drinking that milk* Yeah I would not touch that milk if I was you!! ;)

So I had to create another damn blog to post a comment. LOL - glad you have a blog back up - its about time. Ya know Laguna Season 3 is on lol.

Yayyyyyy Batty McBatterson is back too!! It's almost as if the old gang is back. Can you feel the love people lol :)

Whoooa I cant seee! Oh ok, no gray on purple...whew ;)

Yay! You are bizzzack! I shall relink ya. Yea, you know, that wedding cake on your old site scurred me too hehehe :)

Gareth ~ I'm sorry, but I think I was mistaken....that WASN'T milk that you drank....ooops !

Shoe Diva ~ Welcome back too !! and your shoes !! hehe

Tina ~ I'll be stopping by your blog soon, I'm just trying to catch up here and get my blog in order....sorry about the bright colors, this template is subject to change at any moment

Hmm do you just like to toy with my blogger emotions??

Good morning Spy. Ahhhh I remember the times we used to say that and then you put your cold feet on me and I knew it was going to be a bad morning *sigh* :D

Cooooooooookie Monster - Thanks for stopping by. I'm not sure how many jungle stories there will be in the future. I'm out of my element in anything other than the concret jungle, but I appreciate the visit.

Jonathan ~ Thank you aswell for stopping by, however I suggest if you don't care for what you read and it has nothing to do with you personally or will have no effect on you, then you should choose not to say anything at all. See, that is where "not being in high school anymore" comes into play.

Phats ~ Your blogger emotions are not a toy....I would never play with them....Besides, you can put an eye out that way

Gareth ~ Well maybe my feet wouldn't have been so cold had you turned up the heat in that damned drafty castle once in a while. I gave and gave to you and all I got was cold feet.

howdy! nice to see you have a blog again... i take it you had one before- what happened?

aaaaaaaaaaaalrighty then...
please ignore my other comment! i blame an overdose of antacid tablets because for some reason i only read the bottom half of the post- the one with the pictures (teehee- maybe that explains it) and then i commented...

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  • I'm SuperSpyGal
  • From United States
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