Let he who is without sin, pass the first kidney stone
Geeeeeeez, I feel like Rip Van Winkle...and I was woken up for this????
Anyone who knows me will know that I speak my mind and don't give two noodles if someone doesn't like it.
So be prepared...
First of all I want to send my regards to a blogger friend who is going through a tough time right now. I may not agree with what some people decide to do in their private life, but who the hell am I to judge?? To each his/her own. Sometimes we think we know people and find out they have a completely different side...I ask you this...WHO DOESN'T???...We all portray ourselves differently at work than at home, at a PTA meeting as opposed to letting loose at a party, right?? Why is this so different? The person who I'm referring to has been nothing but kind and a gentleman any time I've ever communicated with him, and that's all that matters to me. He hasn't done anything to hurt me and quite frankly he hasn't even done anything to shock me. Most of us are adults and as adults we know that everyone has the right to free expression. This person has NEVER tried to force this other side of himself on any of you. It's not our place to judge him or chastise him for decisions that he makes AS AN ADULT. Knowing what I know about him, I highly doubt he is a pedophile (as has been insinuated). The slanderous actions of one person should not sway anyone from our first impression of him and that is.....HE'S A VERY NICE PERSON!!
I don't know the details of why this all came about and quite frankly I don't need to know, all I know is that this person has always treated me and most of you with nothing but kindness, respect and humor and was always the first person to jump to any of our defense when childlike drama ensued from other people who apparently had nothing better to do but make someone else feel better for no reason other than self gratification, we need to keep that in mind before we pass judgement.
As to the person who sought some sort of revenge and created all of this, I don't know who you are and don't have much to say to you . I don't know what compelled you to act this way and maybe you thought you had good reason so I won't pass judgement upon you either. Just like my blogger friend, I'm sure you have different sides to you as well, and you probably have a kind, gentle side. I hope you can reach down deep and find this side to you and stop this nonsense. From the way you wrote (when I got past the subliminal viciousness of it) you seem like a well educated, well spoken person. I don't think this is how you usually behave. I hope that you recognize that and can put some closure on all of this.
Now If you'll all excuse me, I must run along because there is this new blog I got a link to and I just can't take my eyes off it..(gosh, the ex-wife is always the last to know **wink**)
P.S. I'm hanging out on Myspace right now, if any of you have a MySpace and would like to be my friend, please contact me. I don't have many friends *insert violin music*
Ok, I'm done...now everyone get the hell off my blog and let me get back to sleep !!!
Anyone who knows me will know that I speak my mind and don't give two noodles if someone doesn't like it.
So be prepared...
First of all I want to send my regards to a blogger friend who is going through a tough time right now. I may not agree with what some people decide to do in their private life, but who the hell am I to judge?? To each his/her own. Sometimes we think we know people and find out they have a completely different side...I ask you this...WHO DOESN'T???...We all portray ourselves differently at work than at home, at a PTA meeting as opposed to letting loose at a party, right?? Why is this so different? The person who I'm referring to has been nothing but kind and a gentleman any time I've ever communicated with him, and that's all that matters to me. He hasn't done anything to hurt me and quite frankly he hasn't even done anything to shock me. Most of us are adults and as adults we know that everyone has the right to free expression. This person has NEVER tried to force this other side of himself on any of you. It's not our place to judge him or chastise him for decisions that he makes AS AN ADULT. Knowing what I know about him, I highly doubt he is a pedophile (as has been insinuated). The slanderous actions of one person should not sway anyone from our first impression of him and that is.....HE'S A VERY NICE PERSON!!
I don't know the details of why this all came about and quite frankly I don't need to know, all I know is that this person has always treated me and most of you with nothing but kindness, respect and humor and was always the first person to jump to any of our defense when childlike drama ensued from other people who apparently had nothing better to do but make someone else feel better for no reason other than self gratification, we need to keep that in mind before we pass judgement.
As to the person who sought some sort of revenge and created all of this, I don't know who you are and don't have much to say to you . I don't know what compelled you to act this way and maybe you thought you had good reason so I won't pass judgement upon you either. Just like my blogger friend, I'm sure you have different sides to you as well, and you probably have a kind, gentle side. I hope you can reach down deep and find this side to you and stop this nonsense. From the way you wrote (when I got past the subliminal viciousness of it) you seem like a well educated, well spoken person. I don't think this is how you usually behave. I hope that you recognize that and can put some closure on all of this.
Now If you'll all excuse me, I must run along because there is this new blog I got a link to and I just can't take my eyes off it..(gosh, the ex-wife is always the last to know **wink**)
P.S. I'm hanging out on Myspace right now, if any of you have a MySpace and would like to be my friend, please contact me. I don't have many friends *insert violin music*
Ok, I'm done...now everyone get the hell off my blog and let me get back to sleep !!!
I agree 100%...I don't have much to say on the subject, I think I have said enough lol
BTW..I am your friend on myspace, that's all the friends you need!!! =)
Posted by
Cinderella |
9:00 PM
Posted by
Cinderella |
9:00 PM
Am I not doing it for you anymore??? LOL!
Posted by
Cinderella |
9:00 PM
I'm sorry Shan...of course you're my friend and will always be my friend. Did I ever tell you you're my hero?..You're the wind beneath my wings !! (or maybe that's just gas) *shrug*
Posted by
SuperSpyGal |
11:00 PM
Great comment, but you could have better taste in friends!! **Owww Shannon! No slapping!!**
Posted by
Unknown |
11:53 PM
I know Spy!! What were you thinking?!? Gary leave at once!! =P
Posted by
Cinderella |
11:12 AM
Hi Spygal!!
Posted by
L |
1:27 PM
Hi Spy!!
Posted by
Linda |
1:36 PM
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